(Almost) Weekly


2:30-3:30 pm


Ages 8 - Adult

No ‘diagnosis’ needed.

Silent Neurodivergent Energy

In a Zoom Room, we will just…be.

A part of resistance work is building capacity in ways that don't feed the machine.

Neurodivergent people *need this.

And are primed to benefit from "non-traditional" ways of being with others.

You can show up and just....stare, zone out, read, work on something you haven't been able to tackle.

Show up as you are in the moment.


  • No talking or noise.

  • Your mic will be be muted.

  • One person per screen if possible.

  • Camera can be off or on.

What can you “do” during this time?

  • “nothing”

  • write

  • color

  • sit or lie down

  • dance

  • soak it up

  • zone out

  • daydream

  • work on something (maybe something you haven’t been able to do alone)

  • just…be — there is no pressure to show up in any certain way

All welcome.

See you Sunday. <3


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